Zulutrade.History of Foundation.

If you don't have time to constantly monitor the markets, are still learning to trade, or just want to get into automated forex trading,ZuluTrade may be just what you're looking for.
You can now autotrade the forex like never before. ZuluTrade will drive trades by specialists into your account FOR FREE!! You can pick from a pool of elite 3rd party expert signal providers and ZuluTrade will convert their advice into live trades in your broker account for free.
This service is offered for free because ZuluTrade and is compensated by your broker in the form of a piece of the bid ask spread. This is not an extra fee. It is the same spread that you are paying your broker already.

Zulutrade was founded in 2006 by Leon Yohai and Kostas Eleftheriou, 2 greek entrepreneurs living now in the US.
And now the Main question-What is ZuluTrade?

How does it work?. You have your broker, a huge group of signal providers, and of course Zulutrade itself. Your broker is the market maker. A broker is the one who has your money and who accepts your trades. At the time of this writing Zulutrade is compatible with FXCM ,
i-TradeFX, FXDD,AvaFX and Forex.com.The signal providers are just individual traders who place trades on Zulutrade. These trades are then all recorded and displayed so that you can see a detailed history of every trader on Zulutrade. Zulutrade is the bridge or intermediary between traders and investors. You, the end user, are then free to trade the signals of any of these traders that looks good to you.

ZuluTrade allow you to actively manage your own team of traders chosen by you. You have the ability to "hire" or "fire" a trader with the click of your mouse. You have complete control over who trades your account and, to an extent, how they trade your account. The best part..... Its Free!!!!

How it all works.

You, the user, has a standard or mini account with your broker. This is the same account that you would normally have if you were trading manually. You register an account with ZuluTrade and sort through hundreds of traders to find who exactly you want to trade your account. These traders place trades and if you choose to subscribe to their signals, their trades will be placed automatically on your account. If you're not happy with their performance, you just remove them from your portfolio.

Now how is this free? Someone has to pay for this service right? The answer is yes, someone has to pay someone. The good part is that it isn't you. Zulutrade pays their signal providers for each trade that they place and the broker pays Zulutrade for each trade placed. This means that for the Zulutrade user the service is absolutely free. Now all you need to do is get signed up and start working on that portfolio.

Open a Demo Account at ZuluTrade.


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